1. Jasmine, Todd and I went with Gerhard to the ETB building to unlock computer cases from desks for the teacher Mrs Amber Hurst. The support ticket said to update adobe flash for the student computers, and update firefox for the teacher. It wasn't very clear because all the computers had Firefox. Gerhard thought to just update adobe flash player on all the computers.
2. The computer cases were all locked to the desks by cables. Gerhard brought a box full of these small keys to begin unlocking the locks to every computer. Their must have been 20 computers. The first key I used I pressed hard into the lock and managed to get it to unlock. That key did not work for the others. Jasmine decided to try computer #2 lock, and wondered how I got the first lock at all. We all started going through these keys one by one to unlock these computers. We realized it wasn't working too well. I came back to check the box and their was a small bag that said "Master Key 00". It surprised me that we missed it. That master key 00 managed to unlock 75% of the computers. I checked the box again to put up the Master Key 00, and their was a another small bag under the other keys that said "Master Key 02". That master key 02 unlocked 20% of the computers. Their were a couple still locked which I began using other random keys which got the rest of the computers unlocked.
3. All the computers were running DeepFreeze. So each one of them was in a frozen state. Frozen state meant that Deepfreeze remembered all the settings and everything on the computer. Any changes made to Windows Operating System, the frozen state would return the computer back to normal when the computer rebooted. All 20 computers had to be "thawed" which meant unfrozen. This allowed us to update Adobe Flash Player. To access DeepFreeze on any computer, The following keys need to be pressed simultaneously. (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, and F6.) Gerhard had to type in the password on every pc to use DeepFreeze since he was the only one who knew it. http://www.faronics.com/standard/deep-freeze/
4. On the 20 computers, we visited http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP to install latest Adobe Flash Player. We all had to download the installation exe for it, and close Firefox before running the exe. Firefox couldn't be running to install it. Gerhard re-ran DeepFreeze on every computer to turn it back into a Frozen state. This would return the computers back to the way we found them. Than We finished tasks 1-4 by 11:00 am.
5. Lunch.
6. A Printer had problems trying to print correctly in the offices below the Library. Chris Spivey had to ask the faculty where printer cartridges were kept which was in an employee's office but she wasn't their on campus. Chris Spivey went to her office (Her name is Jackie) and unlocked it by a key he had. He said that by the wrapper he took out, you can tell if their are problems by looking at it closely. This wrapper looked normal or had no markings on it. Chris Spivey replaced the print cartridge and the printer was functioning normally.
7. Todd went with Gerhard because he only needed one person to do a different support ticket. Jasmine and I went with Chris Spivey to the ETB Building in Room 117. This classroom was for Computer Engineering because we saw many different circuit boards with wires hooked up to them. Chris Spivey was installing software on to the instructor's computer. Chris Spivey was installing software on to the instructor's computer. The software was the Adobe Flash Player, Autocad, and logics.
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