1. Went to Holding Hall, Human Resources: HR & Benefits - Room 121 with Brett, Jasmine, and Todd. Brett was given a work order of a printer problem, so we were their to see him take a look at it. The printer cable was not fully plugged in, which Brett pushed it in the electrical socket. Then Brett restarted the printer.
2. Went across the hallway to Disability & Support Services. Brett had to hook-up and install a Scanner "Canon Canoscan LiDE 210". Brett turned on the computer and opneed up the driver-cd to install the drivers on the computer. Brett connected a second computer and hooked it up to the scanner. Two computers connected to the scanner. Brett needed an assistant in that department to log-in to some software on the two computers. I asked the assistant about the software and she told me it was called "Kurzweil 3000". Kurzweil 3000 is a system technology software that is designed to help students who have disabilities through a student account.
3. Went to Room 118 in the Automotive Building that is located in the back of Wake-Tech. This room was the Law Enforcement Training classroom. Brett's third work order was to install B.L.E.T pdf files on the computer for the instructor and to clean the filter or lens off of the ceiling projector. B.L.E.T stands for Basic Law Enforcement Training. Brett copied the pdf files from the dvd software to the desktop for the instructor. The instructor would see the files so he could load them right away. Brett stood on a table to be able to reach the ceiling project to clean it.
4. Brett, Jasmine, and Todd and I went to Room 320 located in the Pucher-Lemay Building (PLM). We were going their to do more Anti-Virus testing. It was the room that the IT Dept had designated for that purposes. Arriving in Room 320, we saw that their were no tables where the computers were. Brett called the IT Dept to see what was going on. Brett learned that the college wanted to use the fixtures (Tables) that held the computers. They were taken out of the room and used elsewhere on the campus.
5. Brett, Jasmine, Todd and I went back to the IT Dept. Tom assigned us three with Fred and Randy. Room 336 in the Pucher-Lemay Building had thirty computers that needed to be moved. We all had to make 2 trips using the carts to transfer these computers to the Engineering Technology Building (ETB). It was Room 228-A. The first trip Randy, Fred, Todd, Jasmine and I loaded computer cases on two carts. We headed to the IT Dept because the hard-drives in the computer cases had to be erased. We used custom cd's to erase the hard-drives which were the same cd's that I used with Michael & Brock a couple week before. DBAN cd's. The DBAN cd's were not working correctly. It may have been a bad cd that was not being read properly by the cd drive. Brett recommended to use a different program to erase the hard-drives. I used a custom cd called Hirens Bootcd 13.2 that had many different programs on it. I loaded the Hiren's Bootcd into the cd drive and rebooted the computer. I hit F12 to select the option "Boot off the cd drive". I chose an option called "Mini Windows XP" which was like a Minature version of Windows XP. I found that to be pretty neat. Randy showed me to browse the cd to look for the pogram that erases the hard-drive. I used a program called "Roadkill". Randy told me to wait until I got to 10% before shutting down the computer.
6. Jasmine, Todd and I went to lunch while Fred and Randy continued erasing the hard-drives.
7. After lunch.... Jasmine, Todd, Fred, Randy and I took the computers cases to ETB 228-A. We all labeled the computer cases with tape, and slips of note pad. Then we loaded the computer cases in the back room for storage. The second trip was to collect the monitors from Room 336 in Pucher-Lemay Building. Stacked the monitors on the two carts we had to transfer them to ETB 228-A for storage.
8. The last work order of moving computers or hardware was from Libary Education (LE) to ETB 122. The work order wasn't very clear, so I took a shorter route back to the IT Dept. Jasmine, Todd, Fred, and Randy took the longer route by elevator to bring the IT cart transports back to the IT Dept. I ran into Chris Spivey to see if he could make sense of the last order, since he gave it to us. Chris S called up Brett to see if he knew anything. Brett did not know anything of it. Chris S went to find Chris Mccann if he knew of the last order. Chris M did know of the last work order but he wasn't sure if their was anything in the storage of the LE Building. Chris M took Randy to check out the storage in the LE Building and told my group to hang back. This was at 3:20 pm. Todd and I were leaving at 4:00 pm. Jasmne was going to have to take the last order if they needed her.
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